Wednesday, April 15, 2015

political cartoon

The visual here is of Caesar is compared to a lion because of his greatness and courage
but as soon as he starts feeling great Brutus automatically tells everyone that he must be killed.
Brutus thinks he's going to get to powerful and all that power will go to his head but it's just that
Brutus really wants all the power so he manipulates everyone to think that Caesar must be killed before it's to late.
Caesar trusted Brutus but all he did was stab him in the back literally. He betrayed Caesar. Brutus wasn't really his friend if he killed Caesar. Who kills their best friend over power? So stupid. (scene 2 act 1) line 10-14

The visual here is of the murder of Caesar .Casca  has stabbed Caesar along with
the other conspirators. Cinna the announces that they are free of tyranny. Brutus, Cassius, Decius, and Cinna
are all around Caesar as he lays lifeless on the ground. As Caesar is drenched in blood they just chant freedom and liberty
as if they didn't already have freedom and liberty. (scene 3 act1) line 83-89


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