Mark Antony was loyal to Caesar all the time. He was considered his right hand man. But was it true loyalty or was it that he just wanted to suck up to Caesar so he could have all the power after Caesar was assassinated? It seems like he was "higher" up then everyone else when he knew he had Caesar by his side.
Brutus well there isn't much to say about him except that his wife Porcia controlled him. He couldn't stand up for himself. What kind of man can't stand up for himself? Not only that he betrayed Caesar. He knew what was in store for him yet he still insisted that Caesar should hoe with him. Not to mention he also help kill him. Hmmmhm killing your best friend is that what you do to your best friend?
Cassius. Poor Cassius was a follower and not a leader. How ironic in the Roman ways .Why would he want to follow everyone else instead of doing his own thing? Maybe he didn't know how to lead or maybe he just didn't want to be next. What a shame it is to follow the crowd then to stand out. That's our purpose, we're suppose to stand out of the crowd.
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