Thursday, April 16, 2015

News Ed-Joycelynn Hall

       I agree with Brielle and Tony about how they said that Marc Antony can be a good leader. I agree that Marc Antony is not a backstabber. He really isn't a follower either, he is a leader. Like they said, I agree that Marc Antony is loyal, truthful, respectful, and honorable. I agree about how they said that Marc Antony is truthful. He doesn't lie he will straight up come to you and say what he thinks. Marc Antony was one of Caesar's friend and he didn't backstabbed him, like Brutus did. I wouldn't say that Brutus is a leader. He doesn't lead people, he follows people. He wouldn't qualify as a leader if all he does is follow other people, have people tell him what to do and let that even slide pass him. What kind of leader has some people tell them what to do? That isn't a leader, that is someone being a slave. In Act 3 Sc. 2 Antony says "I should do Brutus wrong and Cassius wrong, Who you all know, are honorable men. I will not do them wrong. I rather choose to wrong to the dead, to wrong myself and you, than I will wrong such honorable men."(135-139) He is saying that he would do Brutus and Caesar wrong that he will let people know that they are not honorable men.
Cassius is a good leader but not that good as Antony is. Cassius may be a fast thinker and has wisdom but that doesn't qualify as a leader. If you are going to be a leader shouldn't you be loyal too? Like I said Brutus is a follower not no leader. As I say that, Brutus was Cassius follower, not his leader. If you are going to be a leader, you should treat people right! You can't be a leader and then backstab your friend, it doesn't makes sense. Act 3 Sc. 1 (115-117) Brutus- " Grant that, and then is death a benefit. so are we Caesar's friends, that have abridged his time of fearing death." How are you going to stab him to death but say he is your friend? What kind of leader stabs or kill one of there people and still call them your friend? So I do think Antony is a great leader because he has been Caesar's friend all this time, when he got stabbed, everywhere Caesar went, Antony was right by him. He may have followed Caesar's footsteps, but he was only doing that because one day he will be leader and now it happened. Act 3 Sc. 2 "He was my friend, faithful and just to me." And that is a leader. Antony is very respectful, honorable, truthful, and loyalty as a leader should be!

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